Monday, February 28, 2011

Final Shabbat: From Audrey and Maddy

Words cannot describe how I am feeling right now about leaving Israel.  I’m upset to leave my home away from home, but I am also excited about seeing my family.  (Don’t worry guys, I didn’t forget you!!)  Today was relaxing- which was nice. The only weird thing was what I was served for breakfast… they gave me a waffle covered in chocolate syrup and a scoop of ice cream. WEIRD. Oh, and, they gave me hot chocolate too. Okay then. Anyway. Otherwise, our entire day was filled with reflection.

Now Maddy!
So we sit down for dinner at a place called Spaghettim (spaghetti but in Hebrew!) and Gideon looks  at the only other filled table on the balcony and says, “ That’s John McCain.”  Sure enough senator McCain sat at the next table with a guard off to the side. – We asked if we could take pictures and the guard said no, so you’re going to have to trust that we saw him.  After McCain left we went through our favorite parts of the whole trip.  Remembering the funniest lines, (you had to be there) the meaningful parts, and the parts that could have been better.

It’s Auds…
Then we took a short walk to a park where we made havdallah looking out on the Old City of Jerusalem. We were all having a moment with each other when Maddy says… “Who is that guy behind us?” And the we see this weird old man and Shira says, “Just ignore it.” So we basically had our last moments in Jerusalem with an old guy standing right behind us. But then we figured out he was a photographer taking pictures, so we calmed down. 

We walked back to the hotel, everyone’s arms linked together. We had become a family.
Missing home very much, but knowing that I’ll miss Israel more. I love this place, I love this home.

Laila Tov, Jerusalem. 

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