Friday, February 18, 2011

We have landed safely in Israel!

It is a beautiful Friday afternoon in Israel!

I (Shira) am writing from our mini-bus on the way to Haifa, up the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.  It is 70 degrees and sunny, and everyone is excited to be in Israel! Sami, our driver, and Yishai, our tour guide, have been sharing information about what we see out the window.  So far, we have learned that Israel has two official languages, Hebrew and Arabic, and that Jerusalem is actually a larger city now than Tel Aviv, though the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, Gush Dan, is the largest metropolitan area. I write as we are looking at the Mediterranean Sea!

A little about the flight: Audrey, Gideon, Ilan, Jessie, Maddy, Naomi and Nora were happy to discover that though we had to go through security twice to board our flight, no one was grilled about why they were going and we all made it easily to the plane.  Sarah, Drew and I were impressed by the healthy food choices the kids made at the airport--salads, bagels and fruit instead of fast food!

We had an uneventful flight and every one of the kids slept for at least a few hours. As we travel up the coast eating bamba, bissli, and apples we are getting ready for a stop near Atlit to see the sea and say Shehechiyanu over some fruits of Israel.

We are off to Shabbat services and dinner with our Israeli peers at Leo Baeck Education Center and Ohel Avraham synagogue and can't wait to upload pictures to show you!

The kids will be taking turns blogging every day. It's Audrey's turn:

Dad, I'm sorry for all the times I got mad at you for suggesting we move to Israel. I plan on staying here forever, just so you know.

I realized in Ben Gurion Airport today that I had forgotten how much I love Israel, and how much I feel at home. I left the airport, taking me first steps in Israel since two summers ago and felt so at home. So comfortable, so safe. I laughed to myself, remembering all the jokes and stories and memories that I made, stranding in the exact spot that I was in. I kept saying to everyone, "I was standing right here two years ago!!!" And in my head, I knew how annoying it was, but I just couldn't help myself.

The first time I was in Israel I was in such awe that I said, "...IN ISRAEL" after everything I did. I would sneeze and then say, "I just sneezed... IN ISRAEL!!"

I remember how happy my parents were, being able to watch me experience this place for the first time. I think now about me being one of the only people who have been before, and how now it's my turn to allow others to experience Israel for themselves. (But of course I can still enjoy myself.)

The plane left New York while my iPod played "Mimmamakimkam" by Idan Raichel, holding Maddy's hand.

The plane landed while playing "Ready To Start" by Arcade Fire, still holding Maddy's hand.

I love Israel very much, and couldn't be more excited to make even more memories, this time on my own.

Shabbat Shalom,


  1. Great posts, Shira and Audrey! Thanks for the updates. Auds, make sure to pick out a great high school (I like the coffee best in Tel Aviv ;) Shabbat Shalom--Andy

  2. Outstanding report! Have fun. Keep the blog posts coming!

  3. Can't believe how great it sounds. Thanks for the descriptive reporting, Audrey & Shira. Glad everyone got some sleep. Shabbat shalom. Sally P.S. to Ilan - got the memory card back.

  4. So fun to come home from work and read the blog and imagine being in Israel. Thanks Shira and Audrey!

  5. Thanks for the blog entry, Audrey. I’m Ilan’s Uncle Josh from San Francisco, and I’m writing this from the Silver Cloud cruise ship in the Caribbean. I remember the first time I went to israel when I was 15 in 1971. It wasn’t a particularly emotional event for me – I was just happy to go on a long airplane ride to someplace exotic. It was the first of probably 30-40 international trips I’ve taken since then. But there was this girl in my group who’s name was Gail Samborsky (don’t ask me why I remember her name) and she broke into tears when we saw the coastline from the plane. (It was really cool because it was just like looking at a map) . So I can appreciate that for some people, Israel is a bit more emotional than going to Florida… Have a great time everybody, and I hope you continue to travel around the world a lot. And maybe even live somewhere overseas for a while. It’s a great thing and Ilan can tell you about my experience in Italy.

  6. I enjoyed reading all the blogs. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the trip. Hope you enjoy the rest of it. Have fun!! From yours truly, Hannah!!!!!!!!!
