Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 21st Itinerary, in case you missed a detail...

Tuesday was packed, and in the words of the group, "AWESOME!!"

Here is everything, listed in order:

-Breakfast at peers’ homes and ride with them to school in Haifa
-Pick up at Leo Baeck Education center on bus
-Ride to Tzippori
-“Write our own Mishna and Talmud” activity at  Tzippori, learning about the origin of these texts
-Learn about the idea of religious syncretism on a mosaic scavenger hunt at Tzippori
-Ride to Kfar Kedem at Mitzpe Hoshaya
-learn about the production of wheat in the time of the mishna, make pita while wearing mishnaic garb,  ride donkeys, and eat a traditional lunch
-Ride to Ophoria nature reserve, 4-D  movie experience on bird migration, short hike through nature reserve and bird sanctuary
-Ride to Kibbutz K’far Giladi in the “Finger of the Galilee”
-Go on a tour of the kibbutz with one of its senior members and tour its secret underground weapons cache (“sleek”) from the earliest settlements
-Swimming in the indoor pool!

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